We're buzzing with excitment!

With so many of us looking for ways to make our homes and routines more eco-conscious, the search for sustainable alternatives to single-use plastics is gaining momentum. Beeswax wraps offer a convenient, reusable way to freshen up your fridge and give leftovers a lift.
Our Beeswax Wraps offer a stylish, sustainable alternative to single use-plastic wrap. Made of cotton hand-coated with beeswax, coconut oil and tree resin, these wraps can be used to cover up a casserole, create a lid for cans, jars, or bowls or to wrap up some homemade cookies for a little lunchbox love. Washable and durable, each beeswax wrap can be used over and over again for 1 year or more. Wash, wrap, repeat.
In sets of 3 different sizes to suit a variety of storage needs, these wraps are sure to become your go-to for in the fridge or on the go. From fruits to florals, dots and stripes to prisma patterns, the vibrant and colorful designs look fresh while keeping food fresh. Ecologie Beeswax wraps have got you covered!